Job opportunities in the marketing and communication sectors

Marketing and communication courses attract a lot of students after the baccalaureate. They decide to go to a post-baccalaureate or preparatory school and then take the competitive entrance exams to the business schools. In both cases, the number of students wanting to specialise in these fields is increasing every year. Competition is therefore not a criterion to be neglected! Yet there is no shortage of job opportunities in these sectors, quite the contrary! Discover in this article the job opportunities in the marketing and communication sectors available to young graduates.

What is marketing and communication?

Let's start by defining the terms marketing and communication. Indeed, many companies talk about it, the press, the media, etc., but it is not always easy to define. But what does it mean? Marketing and communication refers to the means used by companies to convey a message to consumers about a particular product or brand in order to make them aware of and buy it. The main objective of companies is to seduce consumers and make them loyal to their brand. Marketing and communication have become indispensable means for companies to position themselves in a market. Indeed, competition between companies in the same sector is very important. This enables companies to offer many work opportunities to young graduates and students wishing to start a career in these fields.

How to start working in France?

Although competition is high, more than 80% of French graduates are hired on permanent contracts within 6 months of graduation. The opportunities in the marketing and communication sectors are therefore significant. And they are all the more important in the Ile-de-France region. Indeed, it is in the capital that many companies decide to set up their head offices. The rest of France, and mainly the big cities such as Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse or Marseille, also offer many job opportunities in the marketing and communication sectors. Head offices are not the only ones offering work. Young graduates can also easily work in communication agencies for example.

How do you start working internationally?

For some graduates it is not France that attracts them but the international market. Thanks to companies' recruitment pages, it has become very easy to apply for jobs abroad. What's more, working abroad will enable you to enrich your profile. You will develop skills that will enable you to stand out from other candidates. And if you are highly interested in a company but no job offers are available on their website, don't be discouraged. You can always send unsolicited applications to try your luck! To do so, don't neglect your CV. On the contrary, make it original to capture the attention of recruiters. Use our CV Builder to create a CV quickly and easily!

What are the new opportunities in the digital age?

Digital has had a real impact on jobs in the marketing and communication sectors. As a result, new opportunities have been created for students and young graduates. Traffic managers, emailing experts, growth hackers, data scientists and community managers are all jobs that did not exist ten years ago. Here are two options:
  • If you work in a small company, then you should have a more generalist profile and be a "jack of all trades".
  • If you work in a large company, you can specialise in a particular function: social networks, SEO (organic referencing), advertising (paid referencing such as Google ads), CRM, UX design, etc.
How do I find jobs online?
How to choose the right training?

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