Career opportunities

How do I find jobs online?

Digital technology has revolutionised the labour market in recent years. It is becoming unthinkable to apply or submit an application without going online. The web provides access to a large number of job opportunities in addition to the possibility of…

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Job opportunities in the marketing and communication sectors

Marketing and communication courses attract a lot of students after the baccalaureate. They decide to go to a post-baccalaureate or preparatory school and then take the competitive entrance exams to the business schools. In both cases, the number of students…

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How to choose the right training?

You want to follow a course but you don’t know how to choose it properly? Indeed, it is not easy to find your way through all the organisations available. Here are three steps to help you choose the right course….

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Choosing the right vocational training organisation

Whether you are an HR manager, a training manager or simply in the process of retraining, choosing a training organisation from among the thousands of providers can quickly become tedious. However, the choice of training provider will determine the success…

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